There really aren't words for this type of conversation, but here is my attempt, not to mention you may not know the person I'm discussing herein - but here's the deal - say I love you to everyone you can, every chance you get. Always.
Many moons ago, my sister was married and as part of her ceremony, a Shaman, by the human name of Dr. Bruce Cox did a blessing. It was one of those remarkable life moments. Spirit, love, ancestry - everything was everywhere, twirling around us all in the smoke of the sage that day.
Years later, when my dear stepfather passed away, he did another blessing. I wasn't witness to that one, but I could feel it from 1600 miles away. Deeply.
When I arrived in Texas, over a year ago, I was beyond thrilled to think I might get to spend some time with this spirit and learn from him. Turns out, he had moved to another state, but I still had the good fortune to hang with him poolside and listen and learn and laugh, many times. The first night I saw him again, he did yet another blessing. Looking back, it was as though he could see I needed protection, support, healing and superpowers before I even knew I needed them all.
When we learned about my mom's illnesses, one night I ran away from home. To the Coxs' Big Spring home - about 3 blocks from mom's house. I raged, and I ranted and I cried as Bruce held my hand. In these moments, I could not help but feel more strength pouring into my soul. He gave beautiful wisdom, kindly and with grand humor and I began to realize I actually could do this.
Bruce and his amazing wife (see, there aren't enough words?!) Sheryl, also raised one of my now dearest friends, Josh, whom I now have the opportunity to do some life-changing work with.
And just last week, I had the change to speak to Bruce on the phone about a project and was able to tell him I loved him, yet again. Thank God. Because, yesterday, he transitioned, after a good cup of coffee.Last night I dreamed of him all night and even woke myself laughing at one point. Which is the only way he'd want it.
At the Master Gardner's sale this year, I bought a little tiny sage plant, with great hopes of growing it the size of the state of Texas and hoping Bruce would bless it, so I could use it for blessings. When mom and I returned home from a trip, I discovered the sage had indeed grown - though merely the size of Big Spring, but the incredible part of the story to all of my family, is that there was a feather, firmly settled into the planter just next to the sage (enter goosebumps here) and I suggested that Bruce and Spirit had already blessed it. I could not be more grateful. Say I love you every chance you get. Always.