Monday, November 19, 2012

Diving In

They say that to be a writer, one must actually write.  I've got that part down - the part they don't talk too terribly much about, at least in my experience, is that one must then share the words with other humans.  While dogs are lovely listeners and some I know even give input, it's the two-legged creatures with brain matter that comprehend and upon occasion enjoy the English Language that are likely your audience. 

In fact last night I was giggling as I read a book – I thought how hard could it possibly be to write a book, for the love of Scooby? We’ve all had amusing, painful, poignant, insightful, spiritual, awful, hysterically funny things happen that we could jot down and call 'writing'.  Surely I can't be the only one having experiences in this life.....

So, what it is?  What is the big writing mystery?

Well, have you ever tried to name a blog?  This is where some of the enigma truly begins – naming or titling things.  Then, have you ever tried to write the description?  Even though you KNOW you can change any and all things and are fully aware of the almighty, powerful concept of delete you remember – it will never go away.  Every word you publish online is out there in the horrid font choice in the putrid color you first thought would be quirky, funky and fun to read.  

Then something even stranger happens.  You suddenly see your fifth grade teacher Mr. A (because you STILL can’t spell his name) finding your blog, and reading your words and shaking his head with wonder at how 30 AHEM odd years later you still have not figured out the proper use of a comma. 

You also have the sneaking suspicion your mother will read the blog, not tell you and worse yet, not tell her friends.  

This is when the stories really start flying.  Oh yes, gentle reader, and not necessarily the kind you had in mind. 

I figure I'll just keep a list of those things and use them for my fiction writing......

 “Nobody cares much whether you write or not. You just have to do it”
― Natalie Goldberg 

Come on in, the water is fine.


  1. Yes, indeed. Congratulations, my dear friend. I am so very excited for you on this new adventure!

  2. Nice job, darlin'. Yeah, the water IS fine. <3

  3. So happy you took the dive and decided to share your words with us humans, Jennifer. Delightful post!
