Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Farewell Autopilot Eeyore Mode

I recently experienced an extraordinarily vulnerable patch in this thing called my life, and I have to tell you, I could not be more grateful for it.  I'd been carting around this rather make believe mother lode of burden over some things it it felt like I'd never  - I mean never ever be able to do anything about them.  I had made up some some seriously awful stories in my head and realized I had put myself in the Loserville zip code for all my life. I'm here to tell ya was pretty dark in this little head of mine....

Blessedly I have several very strong, very compassionate, very brave friends and family who love me more than I could have imagined  - and in a way, they gathered to do a spiritual intervention.  I'll be honest, it was super scary, but then it got easier and easier and easier - and are you kidding me?  There is a parting gift when you are so wide open that ya show your innards?  You get even closer to your people? Thank you Gods and Goddess's in all forms.

One of the really interesting things that happened was that I realized I now had all this space in my spirit since the burdens were out out in the open now. It's like I did a serious spring, summer winter and fall cleaning of my soul.  There was time now to think ahead instead of just getting by.  Suddenly it dawned on me - I've never really had a dream.  I was so busy wallowing in  fear that I never really took the time to ask myself what I might like to do with my life.

I began to get so in touch with myself on a cellular level to really find what made my spirit soar with joy. I started to do things like make crochet prayer shawls that I could sell and writing for my blog and as I watched myself really putting my creativity out there - I was rather stunned - inch by inch bravery began to strike and I was liking the taste of that....I'd really comprehended that the Divine had my back and I was ready to start this life on a more ethereal level. Talk about rebirth - wowza.  It's lovely to wake up the middle of your own life, by the way - thinking let's get this party started instead of autopilot Eeyore mode.

I'm well on my way to building a brand - and it's all mine - I'm filling my life up with things that I love.  Period.

A few days ago, I invited some friends to my Facebook page and just moments later, I got an email from a friend of mine I know from my work in the animal care profession - he's currently in the Bahamas and in fact traveling all over the world now, to speak about canine  behavior.  In this email, he had attached a picture.  Of what you might ask?  The red-headed mermaid that was watching over him while he worked today.

I am a FIRM  believer in signs - and thankfully I'm pretty often aware enough to notice them and feel some rockin' universal validation, but I can't  say that I've ever had such a clear sign sent through another, to me .

I just have to shake my head in total wonder and grace and enjoy how much the Divine loves me. Not to mention the support that is surrounding me like a pod of dolphins from all of you; please know I am so grateful.

Did you hear that?  I think it was the splash of a mermaid.....


  1. I applaud you for your brave heart. Also, thank God for friends and family who really know you and support you. The Divine does rock, - I mean that is a definite sign, and just look at her, she's gorgeous! Just like you. :)

  2. Love the red-headed mermaid! :)
