Thanks to Facebook and my Aunt Ellen, our family genealogist, for whom I could not be more grateful, I have been able to connect with cousins once & even twice removed, half brothers and sisters, the greatest of great aunts and other semi-interestingly titled family member here and there. I've even enjoyed some conversation with these people otherwise know as my family which is lovely, having not seen many of them since I was something like 7 years old.
I'd yet though, to find myself in the midst of any life-changing memories or even what may felt like a full on connection, Well until, that is, that one day when Dan Bearden, some sort of a first once removed, possibly great second cousin, and I began to chat.
Dan and I occasionally found ourselves in conversation via Facebook, especially when neither of us could not sleep and it was soon that we discovered we had a common love that transcends all barriers - Folk Music. I came to call him Cuz/Bro and he called me lil' sis/cuz. Precious.
He invited me to a Folk Music group and without hesitation I joined. I particpated occasionally and I was always pleasantly surprised by how much better I felt when I'd take the time to listen to another song.
Dan passed not long ago and because I was missing him, in particular one day, I went into the group and read that they were looking for a co-administrator. This isn't any kind of a fancy job that pays a million dollars - but it is the exact kind of thing that keeps us tied as a global family. Stories have always kept generations alive - no matter the format, but song seems an especially lovely version to yours truly.
I inquired as to what the job might entail - so as to not over-commit, but thinking it would be a lovely tradition to carry on and that I would still be able to feel our cuz/bro lil'sis connection. I thought a lot about it; it felt important to me to be able to do it right. I even went so far as to ask for a sign.
Meanwhile purging/spring cleaning here in Southeast Alabama and I came across a box of things I'd tucked away into the "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do about these things, so I'll let them sit/stay until I can figure it out" zone. Not to mention if tossing physical clutter doesn't make you ruminate, I'm not exactly sure what will. I remembered the colorfully wrapped in scarf scented with my aunt's (on the other side of the family, for the record) perfume gift to be cotton, picked from a friends field in West Texas. One to heed wisdom from my elders, here lately, I thought - ya know - you'd best be unwrappin' that cotton and see what goes on with that bandanna type thing. (sorry - I'm just lazy enough to not put in all the required punctuation and my editor is on personal leave, speaking of said aunt that smells good and sends super thoughtful gifts)
Suddenly - what to my wondering eyes should appear but an image of "Mother Mary" - going by many other millions of names in this particular rendering - but I saw MOTHER MARY clear as day. (see above photograph, because not even my most clever self could make THIS stuff up) And then the Beatles joined the party in my mind. I was instantly transported to one late night talk, when Dan and I attempted to define "Folk Music" and him saying something to the tune of "it's whatever we want or need it to be. It's when we try to define things that we end up in trouble - or missing something really amazing."
Ahem. Sign delivered.
I took the job - and hopefully I'll fill those shoes well.
That day and today The Beatles; "Let it Be" is a folk song of pretty serious magnitude to me.
I'm ever grateful to all the parties involved in bringing me a moment as simply divine as that one.
PS - Don't worry, cuz/bro Dan Bearden - we'll keep the music playing. Mother Mary said so.
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