Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Radical Kindness, Now Please

For years, Thanksgiving was  my favorite holiday.  I love the fullness of energy with many of us sitting in gratitude at the same time.  I practice gratitude so often it's save my life, so I've a certain obvious reverence for it.  Gratitude is a requirement in my daily intake - like air and water.  

I realized a few days ago I love the Christmas/holiday season for the same energetic based reasons - lots o' people practicing love with a little more intention and focus. As I looked at this, I thought again, this is how I try to live my life every single day. 
This year, I made a deal to not put pressure on myself during the Holiday season as part of my trek towards being kinder to myself at all times.  Many amazing reasons exist - like I moved recently; I'm learning more balance in general, including finding a productive writing/creating structure, financial, emotional and otherwise; the bulk of my peeps do not live in even the same state as I, and so on.

Yet, while sipping my coffee this morning, I looked around the room at all the things I felt would be good to get done/mailed/finished/made/created/wrapped/blessed/baked/etc.  before Christmas and I found myself wanting a nap at 7:38 AM.

So, here is what I've decided:

While I shall absolutely enjoy the warm, love-filled feeling of all Christmas Holiday type activities/etc., to the fullest extent, I am declaring it Christmas-giving all year long.  I forgive myself in advance and totally allow myself to go with with feels right and wonderful whenever that might be.

I'm not insinuating my alter ego Elf Rowan needs to die, or that I am refusing to celebrate this beautiful season at all, or that some surprises aren't under the tree or in stockings already.  I love the scents, the foods, the sights - the glow - the ritual of it all.   

What I am suggesting, insisting even, is that I love and cherish my family, my friends,myself and Spirit every day, period.

Instead of rushing about trying to cram all that love into a few dinners where people aren't present with their ever monstrous running to do list in their minds - or trying to snap together some serious "quality time" to share holiday cheer - nope.  No more.  I'm going to stretch the warmth of the season out to the entire year. 

I'm going to go stark raving mad and send more real mail - a note here, a crochet trinket there, those kinds of, sweet, silly surprises.

When I think of someone - I'm going to get radical and stop for just a second and use Facebook or email to the power of good and send a note, or a quote or a silly picture, and I'm going to tell them I'm thinking of them and that I love them. 

I'm ever grateful for the grace-filled gift of kindness and I'm excited about my new Christmas-giving everyday plan.  

Blessings, love and light to you and yours.


  1. Jennifer, the same thoughts have been rattling around in my head, but you brought them, very eloquently, into focus. Thanks for this and blessed be:)

  2. Thank you, Eloise. Oh they had been rattling around in my mind and keeping me rattled by their mere presence in fact....until I got it written. Thank you for reading and for commenting.

  3. How perfect, Jenn! I am so glad you put all of this into words. A real gift to me today! <3

  4. This is great Jennifer :O) I love the idea -

  5. Awesome as always Precious One! I have said/questioned so many times how we, as a culture, can muster up love, generosity, caring, etc. when it suits on. On a schedule. The memes about Black Friday are so true, how we can sit all loving and thankful for what we have on Thursday then trample each other on Friday to get more stuff. Insanity. The world needs more ACTIVE love ON A DAILY basis. Such a great blog Jen. THANK YOU!! <3

    1. YES! More active love on a daily basis - perfect.
