Monday, January 12, 2015

Motel 6, Grace and Faith

In my mind, any new year comes with renewed hope. Know I'm a believer in any moment being filled with hope, but new years seem to come with extra.

Today I got proof of that in the form of grace and faith.

After phone calls to various people at a certain insurance company about various claims including a potentially killer plumbing bill, I was a wee bit dismayed.

I took mom to her usual doc's appointment, had her sign a check so I could pay the co-pay when I learned we didn't owe one! BONUS number one.

Headed to do some shopping while she finished up her appointment, returned home to a few more business calls, when a call came through from Motel 6.


I finish up my insurance call just in time to answer, and it's a man – Rusty. He's found a check, of my mother's signed, but blank, in the biggest, most corporate store in town.

I think. And then I cry. I realized I'd not put the check meant for the un-owed co-pay where I normally would as in, a wallet or in my pocket, but in my TO DO LIST novel, and it had fallen out, in the middle of said corporate store and this man picked it up, took the time to look up our phone number and called so I could come pick it up at his temporary home in a hotel in our town.

There is a level of amazing that goes with this type of kindness.

When I pulled up to the hotel where he and his wife are living, as they do work here in our town.....this large man came out of the room first. I was grateful I'd taken my friend with me – ya know, just in case, and then – out comes Rusty. Check in hand, holding it out.

I'd love to tell you more about that moment – but all I remember is Rusty holding his hand out to shake mine as I hugged him and cried. And repeating “You have no idea, you have no idea how grateful I am”. His friend clapping and saying “Oh, this is a great moment to witness”.

I turned around as I walked back to the car, blinded by tears of gratefulness, and I saw his wife peek out the hotel room door. Waving happily.

A few more stops on the way home of errands and I still could not stop being overwhelmed by grace. As I pulled into the driveway of home, “What if God Was One of Us” came on the radio.

So, I cried some more. And called Rusty at his hotel room to really explain how important his action was. It was a good idea to call him again. We both admitted things most strangers do not to most.

Rusty – thank you. For every moment of each of the lessons learned today.